Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Friday, December 5, 2008


A key component of any entrepreneurial activity is communication. If an entrepreneur is going to get his or her message, tell their story to the world, and motivate others to come along with him or her, information is key. Entrepreneurs don't have to become information theorists, but they do have to understand something about communication theory to be able to think entrepreneurially.

Wikipedia, the free, on-line encyclopedia, says:
In the fields of information science, communication, and industrial design, there is debate over the meaning of Interactivity. In the "contingency view" of interactivity, there are three levels: Noninteractive, when a message is not related to previous messages; Reactive, when a message is related only to one immediately previous message; and Interactive, when a message is related to a number of previous messages and to the relationship between them.

Interactivity is similar to the degree of responsiveness, and is examined as a communication process in which each message is related to the previous messages exchanged, and to the relation of those messages to the messages preceding them.
If you're interested in communication and information theory, read the Wikipedia article and its references.

What do you think about this? I'd like to know. Post a comment.

Entrepreneurship informs all my professional activities. Entrepreneurial ideas are the life's blood of those activities. For my ideas on entrepreneurial real estate, go to www.yourstopforrealestate.com/blog and for entrepreneurial writing to www.kearneymusicschoolmurders.hatman.com

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