Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Here's another hybrid: the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) My friend David Sobel, an accountant, thinks it's just another way for lawyers to make money. I don't know, it's a legal hybrid form. Should you form one? Only you, with advice and counsel of an attorney and an accountant, can make that call.

From Wikipedia, the free, on-line encyclopedia:
A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a partnership in which some or all partners (depending on the jurisdiction) have limited liability. It therefore exhibits elements of partnerships and corporations. In an LLP one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner's misconduct or negligence. This is an important difference from that of a limited partnership. In an LLP, some partners have a form of limited liability similar to that of the shareholders of a corporation. In some countries, an LLP must also have at least one "general partner" with unlimited liability. Unlike corporate shareholders, the partners have the right to manage the business directly. As opposed to that, corporate shareholders have to elect a board of directors under the laws of various state charters. The board organizes itself (also under the laws of the various state charters) and hires corporate officers who then have as "corporate" individuals the legal responsibility to manage the corporation in the corporation's best interest. An LLP also contains a different level of tax liability than a corporation.
Go to Wikipedia and read the entire article and follow the links.

Carefully consider everything you do in business. And consult an attorney and an accountant.

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Entrepreneurship informs all of my professional activities. Entrepreneurial ideas are their life's blood. For my ideas on entrepreneurial real estate go to www.yourstopforrealestate.com/blog and for my ideas on writing and publishing, go to www.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com.


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