On Taking Action
Back on February 18, 2009, I revised our initial definition of an entrepreneur such that "An entrepreneur is a leader who undertakes an enterprise in an atmosphere of uncertainty and risk."
We've talked about our core mission, what a leader is, and now we're onto "undertake."
Thefreedictionary.com, quoting from the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition, defines "undertake" thus:
un·der·take (ndr-tk)Note these definitions are all active words. They mean entrepreneurship is taking action. Entrepreneurship is not sitting and thinking about something. It's not reading about something. You can't be an entrepreneur if you're only thinking about your options.
v. un·der·took (-tk), un·der·tak·en, un·der·tak·ing, un·der·takes
1. To take upon oneself; decide or agree to do: undertake a task.
2. To pledge or commit oneself: undertake to care for an elderly relative.
3. To set about; begin.
4. Obsolete To accept combat with.
v.intr. Archaic
To make oneself responsible. Used with for.
An entrepreneur doesn't just talk to their friends about it. All these things are important. Yet it's not being an entrepreneur.
Often entrepreneurship's couched in terms of embarking on a trip. You can't take a trip without starting out. And what a trip it is. It's not for everybody. In fact I believe everyone should earn the right to be an entrepreneur.
What do you think of this? The goal is to produce more skilled entrepreneurs.
Does this help? Tell me. Post a comment. I'd like to know. And follow me on Twitter.com.
Entrepreneurship informs all of my professional activities. Entrepreneurial ideas are their life's blood. For my ideas on entrepreneurial real estate go to www.yourstopforrealestate.com/blog and for my ideas on writing and publishing, go to www.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com.
Labels: Entrepreneurship Defined, Taking Action
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