Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Values Statement

Hildy Gottlieb writes about the non-profit world. What she says has relevance to the for-profit sector as well. Here's what she says about values statements:
Mission Statements and Vision Statements are relatively common...But that is where most organizations stop. Vision and Mission. Statements of where we are headed, and what we will do to get there.

It is the rare organization that takes the time to then define HOW they will do that work - the talk they want to walk.

The only way we can create an amazing future for our communities. If we do our work in a way that reflects universally shared values. This ensures we do not squander our time and resources rationalizing our actions, and it helps ensure we are not potentially squandering our community's goodwill.

Further, if your goal is to create the future of your community - the lofty goals of your vision statement - then you will want to ensure your work reflects the values you want to see in your community.

A Values Statement provides the tools for the organization to accomplish that. First, the Values Statement will look outside the organization, to the visionary outcomes you want to create for your community. What values will need to be present in the community for your vision to come to pass? What values would the community need to emphasize? What values would have to be the norm?

From there, your Values Statement will look inside, to see how your own work will model those values, to teach those values by example. How will your work reflect those values? How will you ensure you are modeling those values to the community?When you have a tough decision to make, will you always err on the side of those values? (Hildy Gottlieb, "3 Statements That Can Change the World: Mission/Vision/Values," www.help4nonprofits.com/NP_Bd_MissionVisionValues_Art.htm)
Well, folks, what we used to call our "market" is not our "community." Whatever your enterprise, you're selling community. Entrepreneurs need to know this and to know what their values are and what values residen in the communities which will support whatever enterprise the entrepreneur is trying to start.

If you're interested in this, check Help4NonProfits.com website and read through all her stuff. As a old community organizer, I heartily endorse what she says. And Post a Comment.

Entrepreneurship informs all my professional activities. For entrepreneurial real estate, go to www.yourstopforrealestate.com/blog and for entrepreneurial writing go to www.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com.

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