Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Trying to Fill the Bag from the Wrong End

This past week I talked with an associate I've know for several years. He's very smart and very articulate. He's got an idea for a business and has been wandering around from mentor to mentor finding no satisfaction.

He's come up with a solution and is looking for a problem to solve. Seems to me he's trying to fill a bag from the bottom, which is closed off, rather than from the top, which is open. You can try bag after bag but if you approach each one from the wrong end, you'll be ultimately unsuccessful. Turn the bag right side up and some of your stuff will fit in, maybe all of it if your bag is big enough.

Entrepreneurship is the life's blood of all my professional activities. It makes them go. And go read my mystery for free at wwww.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com or buy it from Amazon.com more cheaply than you can print it out.



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