Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Benefits of Unpredictability

I always need to be put in situations not of my making. Formulating a plan and keeping to it is important but confronting unpredictability shakes me out of my normal routine and provides a valid test of whether the routine I have made for myself really works for me.

This weekend I attended my stepdaughter's wedding. It was a Jewish wedding and I stood under the Houpa (sp?) to support her union with my son-in-law. It was wonderful. I had never been to a Jewish wedding before.

Also, it was in a park on the Chesapeake Bay and took place over 4 days. A big four-day party. And there was an element which was very unpleasant which I had to deal with each of the 4 days. I won't go into it. How I dealt with it was a measure of myself to myself.

I would not have chosen to take a vacation at that time. But it was what it was and I went. I've come back with clearer ideas about what I should be doing and wondering about whether I have beend doing what I have been doing in the best way. I'm not sure I would have thought about that had I not been dragged away when I was.

So here I am easing back into my life. But it will be different than my previous life.

My goal here is to connect entrepreneurs with the individuals, groups, or information they need to climb all the way to the top. How am I doing?

Entrepreneurship is the life's blood of all my professional activities. It makes them go. And go read my mystery for free at wwww.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com or buy it from Amazon.com more cheaply than you can print it out.



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