Boundary Crossing
I pulled out this sheet on boundary crossing. I found it on the web back on 5/20/2008. It's I've not been back there since, but it looks like it could be quite interesting.
Reading it I realized that I have always been a boundary crosser. Boundary crossers span many different worlds but don't really fit in any one of them. They challenge the status quo a lot. They get fired a lot. They get called rude a lot. They tend not to be rich. They don't like to kowtow or suck up.
Boundary crossers also are innovative thinkers. Innovations come from the edges of things. We need boundary crossers precisely because they don't fit in. But most people don't like that. They like to surround themselves with people like them. To do the same thing all the time.
This is a challenge for us. How to be a boundary crosser but actually have normal lives. It's not that it can't be done. It's just a challenge.
Boundary crossers of the world Unite! But once we all unite, we'll have to cross the boundary and look for other worlds.
I saw an advertisement for an entrepreneurial person to be an assistant manager at a well known department store chain. I mean, really, assistant manager for a department store chain. There has got to be some education in this country about what entrepreneurship is all about.
Entrepreneurship is the life's blood of all my professional activities. It makes them go. And go read my mystery for free at or buy it from more cheaply than you can print it out.
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