Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Effective Network

Effectiveness refers to the quality of the effort made to accomplish your goal, efficiency to how streamlined your efforts are.

Consider this: Two people, person "A" and person "B", accomplish the same objective, but "A" achieves his goal better than "B" does, even though B's efforts are more efficient, A's work has been more effective. In general effectiveness is better than efficiency alone.

In network terms let's say you want to both connect with person "D" yet develop a stronger position with him, you might want to connect with "D" directly, which would be more efficient, but you might also want to connect with "B" and "C" who also know "D." That way if you lose contact with either "B" or "C", you are still connected with "D".

Your work is more effective than if you had connected with "D" alone with no other connections. Efficiency is good but effectiveness, while more expensive, is better. The question is, is the "better" worth the time, attention, and money you have to invest in acquiring the connection?

Entrepreneurship is the life's blood of all my professional activities. It makes them go. And go read my mysteries, The Case of the Kearney Music School Murders and No Stop on Red, both available at Amazon.com. You can read the first one for free at wwww.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com or buy it from Amazon.com more cheaply than you can print it out.



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