Economic Indicators
An economic indicator is a number that is believed to indicate something about the economy. It could be anything: housing starts, employment changes, consumer confidence, etc. There are also indicators specific to particular industries. The airline industry would have a different set than auto manufacturers or real estate agents.
A leading indicator is a number that changes before the economy changes. That is, an increase in new housing starts is often seen as a good sign because it means more people will be employed, more stuff will be bought at building supply stores, etc.
A current or coincident indicator is a number that changes with the economy. What the stock market is doing might be a current indicator, though it could also be seen as a leading indicator.
A lagging indicator is a number that changes after the economy has changed.
In real estate, for example, the number of people the agent knows is a leading indicator. As the agent's sphere grows in size, the more likely it is for the agent's business to increase down the road due to an increase in referrals.
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Labels: Coincident Indicator, Current Indicator, Economic Indicator, Lagging Indicator, Leading Indicator, Real Estate
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