Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First Dimension of Capability, Talents Continued

Covey, in The Speed of Trust. The One Thing That Changes Everything (New York: Free Press, 2006), p. 94, gives us four questions we can ask ourselves about our talents:
1. What are my unique strengths or talents?

2. What is the highest and best use of my talents?

3. How can I better maximize the talents I have?

4. What talents might I have that I have not yet developed?
These are questions which you should ask yourself. Then go to family, friends, and colleagues who know you well and whom you trust to give you an honest opinion, and ask them for their opinions. If you think you have a talent for archery, your friends and family and colleagues think so, and you've done well in archery events, or people have said you're good at it, then you can probably count that as a talent you should at least consider.

Use the Red Green test. Red Green is a writer and commedian you see on public broadcasting sometimes. He comes out of Canada and satirized Canadian attitudes and behaviors regarding men and manhood. He says if you doing something and no one has complemented you on it or you haven't won any awards your not good at it, you're just at it. Words to live by.

My goal here is to bring out more skilled entrepreneurs. How am I doing?

Entrepreneurship is the life's blood of all my professional activities. It makes them go. It informs my connection strategy. For my ideas on connection strategy, go to my new blog www.Connecting.blogspot.com.

It makes Your Stop for Real Estate, my real estate referral business, go. See www.yourstopforrealestate.blogspot.com.

It powers my writing. Go to www.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com for my ideas on writing and where you can read my mystery for free, download it for free or buy it from Amazon.com more cheaply than you can print it.

It fuels my publishing enterprise, By and for Writersgo. See www.byandforwriters.blogspot.com where you can get a poem or a short story published.


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