Covey on Behavior Shifts
Covey (2006, p. 130) talks about behavior shifts: "shifts in doing that actually change the way you do and think."
It used to be thought that before you can bring about behavior change, you had to change the way people think. You know, win the hearts and minds of the people.
It turns out that isn't necessarily true. It's often true, but not always by any means. Because, by changing behavior, you can change the way people think.
You must have found this to be true. You thought a certain thing. Then out of necessity or lack of money, or because you had to, you adopted new behaviors. Then you find yourself thinking differently.
When I had a car, I never took public transportation here in Philadelphia. After considerable thought and analysis of the role of that car in my life and in my finances, I determined it was too expensive, i.e. costing me $300 + per month to park it and insure it + the cost of registration, gas and oil, repair, etc. My real estate practice had changed, so I was only driving it maybe 1 day a week.
So I sold it and put the money in a CD. Now it's earning me a little bit of interest every month instead of costing me >$300 per month. Now I love the mass transportation in Philly.
It's true.
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