Re-redefinition of an Entrepreneur
We got ahead of ourselves talking about organizational trust. Let's backtrack and stick with the entrepreneur for a little while longer before going on to talk about entrepreneurial organizations.
First we defined an "entrepreneur" as an "individual who undertook an enterprise within an atmosphere of uncertainty and risk."
After reviewing John C. Maxwell's 21 laws of leadership we re-conceptualized the individual as a "leader" and defined "entrepreneur" as "a leader who undertakes an enterprise within an atmosphere of uncertainty and risk."
Then, after reviewing Covey's ideas on trust, we've further extended our concept of the entrepreneur to be a "trusted leader." So let's define an "entrepreneur" as: "A trusted leader who undertakes an enterprise within an atmosphere of uncertainty and risk."
We'll talk more about the entrepreneur before we get to talking about the enterprise he or she undertakes.
My goal here is to help entrepreneurs climb all the way to the top. How am I doing?
Entrepreneurship is the life's blood of all my professional activities. It makes them go. It informs my connection strategy.
It makes Sherpa Real Estate , my real estate referral business, go. See
It powers my Sherpa Literary. Go to for my ideas on writing and publishing and read my mystery for free at or buy it from more cheaply than you can print it out.
It fuels my publishing enterprise, By and for Writers go. See where you can get a poem or a short story published.
Labels: Entrepreneur Redefined
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