Michael Gerber's Business Development Program: Step 2, Your Strategic Objective
Gerber, p. 151-165, Lay out seven standards comprising your strategic objective. They are:
1. First Standard: Money [p. 151]Standards 3 through 7 are laid out on p. 156. Gerber doesn't we need to stick just to what Gerber says. You need to use it as a basis for going forward. He does say that "the standards you create for your business will shape both your business and the experience you have of your business." [p. 156]
2. Second Standard: An opportunity worth pursuing. [p. 153]
3. Third Standard: When is your Prototype going to be completed?
4. Fourth Standard: Where are you going to be in business?
5. Fifth Standard: How are you going to be in business?
6. Sixth Standard: What...are you going to insist upon regarding reporting, cleanliness, clothing, management, hiring, firing, training, and so forth?
7. Seventh Standard: Other questions.
And we don't need to have all of this established before our business gets off the ground. Businesses are all a work in progress, and we figure things out as we go along. But we need to develop as full an idea of why we're in business and what the business will do as possible before we start. Gerber helps us do that.
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Entrepreneurship informs all of my professional activities. Entrepreneurial ideas are their life's blood. For my ideas on entrepreneurial real estate go to www.yourstopforrealestate.com/blog and for my ideas on writing and publishing, go to www.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com.
Labels: Business Development Program, Michael Gerber, The E-myth Revisited, Your Strategic Objective
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