Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Covey on Restoring Trust

Covey, on pp. 36-37 of The Speed of Trust. The One Thing that Changes Everything. (New York: Free Press, 2006), argues that, even thought trust has been wiped out, one can restore trust.

He trots out a number of hypothetical characters to illustrate. Perhaps they're real people, we don't know.

Perhaps a more powerful example Covey uses is the the restoration of trust between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Adams was president from 1797 to 1801. Jefferson was Adams' vice president, then ran against Jefferson in 1800 and got himself elected and then reelected in 1804.

They did elections differently then. Everybody ran, and the top vote getter was President, and the guy who got the second most votes was sworn in as Vice President. They changed it after Burr killed Hamilton in a famous duel. But that discussion should be reserved for another blog.

Suffice it to say that two former political allies became political enemies and said about, and did horrendous things to, each other both in public and behind each others' backs.

They were able to put aside their differences and reestablish trust on the basis of their alliance during the War for Independence. Adams always felt inferior of Jefferson, and that never ended.

They both died on the same day, Jefferson first of course. Adams, on his death bed is reported to have commented on that, something like, he even died before me.

So, trust can be restored, and relationships can be reinvented.

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