Covey's Eight Trust Myths
On page 25 of The Speed of Trust. The One Thing that Changes Everything (New York: Free Press, 2006), Covey presents and counters 8 myths about trust.
Here's what he says,
Myth #1: "Trust is [unmeasurable] and soft." Reality: "Trust is hard, real, and quantifiable."These are themes that Covey talks about throughout his book. It's something that not many people have dealt with, which is why he wrote this.
Myth #2: "Trust is slow." Reality: "Nothing is as fast as the speed of trust."
Myth #3: "Trust is built solely on integrity." Reality: "Trust is a function of character (which includes both integrity) and competence.
Myth #4: "You either have to trust or you don't." Reality: "Trust can be both created and destroyed."
Myth #5: "Once lost, trust cannot be destroyed." Reality: "Though difficult, in most cases lost trust can be restored."
Myth #6: "You can't teach trust." Reality: "Trust can be effectively taught and learned, and it can become a leverageable, strategic advantage.
Myth #7: "Trusting people is too risky." Reality: "Not trusting people is a greater risk."
Myth #8: "Trust is established one person at a time." Reality: "Establishing trust with the one establishes trust with the many."
My favorite lesson out of this is that trust can be taught and learned, and though once you lose some one's trust it's hard to get it back, it can be done.
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