How Trust Works
Covey says, on page 29 of The Speed of Trust. The One Thing that Changes Everything (New York: Free Press, 2006),
People want to be trusted. They respond to trust. They thrive on trust. Whatever our situation, we need to get good at establishing, extending, and restoring trust--not as a manipulative technique, but as the most effective way of relating to and working with others and the most effective way of getting results.This is exactly true. But I would add as the best way to a rewarding and rich life. When people trust you you received riches beyond money.
One day when I was a practicing agent, I got an email that said something like, "Breaking News--90% of all respondents on an recent survey said they would only do business with people they trust." Recommendation: get trusted.
Well, folks it's a lot easier to be trustworthy when you are already behaving in a trustworthy manner. Trust is something that you can build, but you have to work at it and you have to continue to act that way consistently.
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