Dimensions of Trust: Seeing, Speaking, Behaving
Most normal people are trustworthy and want people to trust them. Yet fewer will trust us unless we communicate that trustworthiness. This is one of the basic messages of Covey's book, The Speed of Trust. The One Thing that Changes Everything. (New York: Free Press, 2006).
Covey says on p. 38:
This book will give you a pair of 'trust glasses' so that you'll be able to see trust in an entirely different and exciting way--a way that will open your eyes to the possibilities and enable you to increase trust and the dividends of trust on every level.You also will give an understanding of the language of trust and a way toward developing the behaviors that establish and grow trust.
I think it also makes more aware of what we need to do to inspire trust, that is to communicate profoundly and completely that we are trustworthy. We can't just shout to the wind, "Trust me. I am trustworthy."
Covey makes a couple more points on trust: the three dimensions of trust are interdependent: "whenever you effect a change in one dimension, you effect a change in all three." (p. 39)
Finally, on p. 40, he says: "Over time, I have come to this simple definition of leadership: Leadership is getting results in a way that inspires trust."
We have to understand how we are perceived and what we have to do to be perceived as trustworthy. That has to be communicated every day by the way we appear, whom we hang with, how we talk, and the ways in which we behave.
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