Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Michael Gerber's Business Development Program: Your People Strategy, Step 5, part 4.

Michael Gerber, pp. 203-206, sets out 8 rules of his game:
1. "Never figure out what you want your people to dl and then try to create a game out of it." The game has to come first.

2. "Never create a game for your people you're not unwilling to play yourself."

3. "Make sure there are specific ways of winning the game without ending it."

4. "Change the game from time to time--the tactics, not the strategy."

5. "Never expect the game to be self-sustaining. People need to be reminded of it constantly."

6. "The game has to make sense."

7. "The game needs to be fun from time to time."

8. "If you can't think of a good game, steal one."
There you are, your people strategy. The game is outlined in your operations manual. Implement this game in your business, really implement it, along with all the other things, and you're business will thrive. Believe me.

What do you think of this? The goal is to produce more skilled entrepreneurs. Does this help? Tell me. Post a comment. I'd like to know. And follow me on Twitter.com.

Entrepreneurship informs all of my professional activities. Entrepreneurial ideas are their life's blood. For my ideas on entrepreneurial real estate go to www.yourstopforrealestate.com/blog and for my ideas on writing and publishing, go to www.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com.

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