Entrepreneurship on Line

Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another key question: What are they buying?

Michael Gerber, on pp. 222:
If you know who your customer is...you can then determine why he buys.
Gerber calls this psychographics.

A colleague of mine has a bit of doggerel which he pulls out at least one time every 3 mentoring sessions. Here it is.

If you're going to sell
What Mrs. Smith buys,
You're going to have to see
What Mrs. Smith sees,
Through Mrs. Smith's eyes.

I get tired of hearing it but it's exactly true.

So do you get the point? What your customers are buying is not just your product. It's your product filtered through their own experience, assumptions, needs, hopes, dreams, and expectations. You have to identify that reason they're buying if you're going to be as successful as possible.

You have to figure out what benefit you're product is going to be and what is the benefit of that benefit.

Wal-Mart used to advertise "Every day low prices." Now they advertise low prices so we can live better.

What do you think of this? The goal is to produce more skilled entrepreneurs.
Does this help? Tell me. Post a comment. I'd like to know. And follow me on Twitter.com.

Entrepreneurship informs all of my professional activities. Entrepreneurial ideas are their life's blood. For my ideas on entrepreneurial real estate go to www.yourstopforrealestate.com/blog and for my ideas on writing and publishing, go to www.kearneymusicschoolmurders.blogspot.com.

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