Taking a brake until 2011
This blog will be on vacation until 2011. See you in the new year. YOu can reach me at 215 219 5825 or twb2@verizon.net
Aiming for skilled entrepreneurs.
This blog will be on vacation until 2011. See you in the new year. YOu can reach me at 215 219 5825 or twb2@verizon.net
An issue for entrepreneurs: how do you measure and reward performance? Your own and that of others.
Labels: Validity
In real life, a reliable person means you can count on him being there for you over time. We think the same thing of products. We want a can of soup made by a certain company to be the same all the time. You can count on its taste and not to make you sick. You want a restaurant to put out consistently healthy and delicious food that costs the same each time. If one time it's good, another time it's bad, tha prices are all over the map, you won't go there.
Labels: Reliability
An entrepreneur is a person who undertakes a venture within an environment of significant risk and uncertainty.
Labels: Entrepreneur
When you start a business you have to choose a form of organization. There are basically four: a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation, or some hybrid form.
Labels: Forms of Business Organization
A network effect, or externality, is said to exist when the benefit to a node in a network changes as a result of the change in the number of links in that network caused by increasing the number of nodes. (Remember that a network is defined as a set of nodes and links. The nodes are the things connected and the links are the interstices between the nodes.)
Labels: Network Effect (Externality)
Awareness is one of the four main issue areas for delivering product: awareness, image, usage, and satisfaction. A truly valid marketing effort has to address each of these issues.
Labels: Awareness
Ever wonder why you notice some things but not others? It's primarily because of our filters. Filters are put there by our environment or by our genetic make-up or both. By filtering out most stimuli they allow us to focus. We have 1,500 to 3,000 or ore messages coming at us every day so we really need them.
Labels: Filters
The word "fiduciary" works as both a noun and an adjective. A fiduciary is a person or organization that is legally bound to place the interests of another over his or her own. A fiduciary relationship is the legal relationship of trust and confidence that the fiduciary has with that other person or organization. A trustee has a fiduciary responsibility to the organization he or she is trustee of. If you violate this trust by acting not in accordance with the other's best interests, you can be prosecuted.
Labels: Fiduciary
There is a lot of nonsense out there about focus groups. They've come to be so misdescribed that they have come to mean a bunch of people in a room talking about something. Actually, a focus group is a group interviewing technique consisting of between 6 and 12 people (more or less depending) who are carefully screened according to specific criteria and who are led through a carefully designed list of questions by a trained moderator.
Labels: Focus Group
I'm reading the Art of War by Sun Tzu tr. Thomas Cleary,(Boston, Shambala, 2005) and seeing lots of parralels between the art of war and the art of entrepreneurship. There's good reason for this. An older meaning of entreprenur is who organizes military adventures.
Labels: Art, Entrepreneurship, War
In nature we have variation. Things tend to spread out across a range. Some measures we have of variation are the standard deviation, variance, range, so on.
Labels: Central tendency, Variation